The Flow of Life 

Let life show you how beautiful you are.

Let life be the expression of your beauty.

Let life bring you to the most unexpected places your soul wishes to experience.

Let life carry you with ease and grace.

Let go of control as it is an illusion.

Let go of worries as they keep you locked in a state of appeared powerlessness.

Let go of limitations as you are a limitless and powerful Being of Love.

As you walk your unique path towards your dreams, you allow God to show you the way back home.

As you walk your unique path towards your dreams, you shine brighter, and lit the heart of everyone you cross path with.

You become an inspiration, you become the light others seek, a light they use to finally see their own path.

Choose to let go, let Source lead the way, let your soul and higher self guide you, and most importantly, listen to your heart.

It surely needs practice, but once this way of living is embodied, you will remember that this is how and where you find your freedom.

The freedom that allows you to be authentically you.

The freedom that makes you to choose the best for you.

The freedom that illuminates your soul’s path.

The freedom you always wanted to experience.

This freedom resides in your heart, nowhere else.

Everything happens in divine order for your highest good.

Trust that you are always guided and supported.

Trust that have all you need to move forward and bring your dreams into fruition.

With so much love and gratitude ✨🫶💕🫶✨

Annabelle L. Healer & Channeler

Written on January 3rd 2023

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