Become Your Inner Goddess
First Activation
This meditation activation opens your chakratic systems, helps the release of blocks in your energy fields, so that you an connect with your inner goddess attributes with more ease and grace. This is a preparation for the healing journey #1 with Isis.
This activation supports you by:
- Clearing energies that aren’t aligned with your highest timeline
- Activating your lightbody to welcome the keys and codes
- Charging your full auric field of high frequencies of light for the embodiment of goddess keys and codes
Session 1 - Introduction
Healing journey #1: Isis Golden Temple
In this first healing journey, we receive support from Source, Mother Gaia Isis, our ancestors and our guides to release, clear and anchor our intentions for this program. The unconditional love of Mother Earth brings loving energies to start the healing and clearing of anything that isn’t aligned with your inner goddess in your 4-body system, imprints in your physical body, stagnant emotions that are ready to be released, old thoughts and beliefs that aren’t supporting you, imprints, plugins and ties and attachments that lower your frequency. We are entering the Akashic records fields with Isis to clear and heal all that is conflicting with you embodying your inner goddess attributes. Clearing programs and memories that were not aligned with your divine self.
What to expect from this session:
- Deep energetic clearing and healing of all of your chakras & meridian pathways
- Soul extensions healing
- Akashic Records clearing and healing
- Reconnection with your spirit animal from Ancient Egypt and receive gifts that you have not connected with yet
Shakti Awakening
This meditation activation opens connection to your shakti energy, your divine feminine energy. This is a preparation for the healing journey #3.
This activation supports you by:
- Clearing energies that aren’t aligned with your divine feminine codes
- Activating your lightbody to welcome the keys and codes that you carry in all of your soul extensions
- Charging your full auric field of high frequencies of light for the embodiment of goddess keys and codes
Session 2 - Introduction
Healing journey #2: Divine Feminine Energy
In this second healing journey, we clear all that isn’t aligned with our divine feminine energy from this lifetime and other lifetimes. We let go of all the negative experiences we had with other women and men, experiences that made us feel small, unheard, unloved and unimportant. We clear all of the vows, agreements, soul contracts that are hindering our connection to our shakti eergy, our life force in our sacral chakra through our Akashic Records. We remove the imprint, implants, plugins from the matrix or from any form of attachments we had with any beings that aren’t supporting us in this reconnection and realignment with our divine feminine energy. We heal soul extensions and receive the highest divinity codes for our shakti energy to rise and our divine feminine gifts to shine and be embodied now.
What to expect from this session:
- Akashic Records clearing & healing
- Soul extensions clearing & healing, soul fragments retrieval
- Deep connection with your higherself, ancestors & guides
- Deep energetic clearing and healing of all of your chakras bringing through the higher aspects of your soul
Heart & Inner Child Activation
This meditation activation opens connection to your heart, connecting you with your inner child to start the healing process. This is a preparation for the healing journey #3.
This activation supports you by:
- Clearing energies that are holding you back from your golden inner child codes
- Activating your lightbody to welcome the keys and codes that you carry in all your heart
- Charging your full auric field of high frequencies of light for the embodiment of goddess keys and codes
Session 3 - Introduction
Healing journey #3: Inner child Healing
In this third healing journey, we connect with our inner child to heal the wounds that are preventing us to embody the whole of our divine powers. We are supporting her releasing fears, doubts, emotions, thoughts and anything that is making her not believing in herself. We let go of all the negative experiences we had as a child, hraling your inner child with the power of your heart, your love and light. We clear all density, attachments or lower frequencies from these memories.Then, you will be invited to connect to the spirit of forgiveness, courage, self-worth, compassion, unconditional love. You will receive gifts and higher frequency healing for all of your bodies and fields.
What to expect from this session:
- Inner child healing
- Bring forth multiple gifts that will support you in your mission now
- Deep connection with your higherself, ancestors & guides
- Deep energetic clearing and healing of all of your being
Divine Masculine Activation
This meditation activation starts the process of clearing the distorted masculine energy so that you can absorb more keys and codes of divine masculine energy. This is a preparation for the healing journey #4.
This activation supports you by:
- Clearing energies that aren’t aligned with your divine masculine feminine codes
- Activating your lightbody to welcome the keys and codes that you carry in all of your soul extensions
- Charging your full auric field of high frequencies of light for the embodiment of goddess keys and codes
Session 4 - Introduction
Healing journey #4: Divine Masculine Energy
In this forth healing journey, we clear the suffering, the emotions and thoughts, the programs related to the distorted masculine. We heal so many of our souls extensions with the support of Anubis, Merlin, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. The spirits of forgiveness, courage, love, ease, grace came through. We received so much healing, so many gifts, so much love form these beings of light. We clear in our book of life, so many layers of distorted masculine and lower frequencies. We also support the healing of the distorted masculine from the planet and in the male bodies.
What to expect from this session:
- Deep energetic clearing and healing of all of your chakras & meridian pathways
- Soul extensions healing
- Akashic Records clearing and healing
- Reconnection with your divine masculine energy holding you safe and grounded
Divinity Codes Activation
This meditation activation starts the process of clearing the energy fields, so that you can absorb all of the divinity codes to embody the divine goddess you are. This is a preparation for the healing journey #5.
This activation supports you by:
- Clearing energies that aren’t aligned with your divinity codes
- Activating your lightbody to welcome the keys and codes
- Charging your full auric field of high frequencies of light for the embodiment of goddess keys and codes
Session 5 - Introduction
Healing journey #5: Divinity Codes
- For this session, reflect on your intentions for this 10-week program. Look at what you accomplished and healed in the last weeks, plus how you are feeling now. Bring forth your deepest desires for this last session.
In this last healing journey, we receive the Return of our Divinity Codes. The Angels hold you in such high frequencies. Your ancestors give thanks & gifts to you. You will receive blessings and messages from your Goddess lifetimes. God Ra, Merlin, Goddess Isis and your higherself are present to hold you in love and activate all that you truly are at our core. You then write in our boook of life all that you want for these next chapters of your life, a beautiful healing journey full of love and recognition.
May your light shine brighter every day. 🙂
What to expect from this session:
- Deep energetic clearing and healing of all of your chakras & meridian pathways
- Soul extensions retreival of gifts and messgaes
- Akashic Records healing
- Deep connection to your Goddess lifetimes
- Activation of the gifts you are now ready to bring forth in this incarnation
Bonus Session: Activate your life force
Bonus healing journey: Activate your life force
What to expect from this session:
- Chakratic system clearing
- Deep energetic clearing and healing of all soul extensions as well as soul retrieval
- Deep connection to your highest gifts and talents, the master lifetimes you had
- Activation of the gifts you are now ready to bring forth in this incarnation