Time to Shine


12-week Mentorship Program For Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Starting June 4th 2024

This mentorship program is to support you in developing your business strategy in alignment with your business’s consciousness and your divine path.

Having our own spiritual business is quite a project! It comes with lots of clearing of limiting beliefs, inner child wounds, feeling of  not being ready to show up for others, ego tricks to keep us lock in a lower frequency, etc.

That is why I am here: to support you in healing, clearing, releasing the old paradigms around money, business, gifts and spirituality, in all of your timelines/incarnations, so that you & your business thrive!

I went through it all myself, and I learned so much in my spiritual business in the last 4 years, it’s now time for me to share my knowledge and help you to shine!

If you have been thinking about starting your spiritual business as a coach, healer, teacher, practitioner of any kind, but have encountered some resistance in putting yourself out there or feel some kind of blocks, this mentorship is for you!

Some of the aspects we will clear & shift:

  • Scarcity & Lack      ->>  Abundance & Flow
  • Fear of Judgment, Failure or Success      ->> Self-Confidence & Trust
  • Fear of being Seeing, of Sharing your Gifts      ->> Presence & Divine Protection
  • Limiting Beliefs, Trauma Imprints      ->> Heart Opening & Alignment
  • Inner Child Wounds      ->> Renewed Energy & Expansion
  • Souls Contracts, Karmic Debts     ->> Freedom & Ease
    • And anything else that could interfere with the expansion of your gifts & spiritual business

Ascension is now, you have done lots of healing and activations, no more procrastination: it’s time to shine!

It is your time to shine, thriving doing what you truly love!

Our program together:

  • 12 group sessions (weekly gathering, see themes below) where I will be available to answer any questions, align you to your next step and support you in any blocks/challenges you might encounter.
    • Time of our gatherings will be set with participants
  • Private Facebook Group to share your wins, your challenges, your strikes and your advancement.
  • Recorded Healing Meditations & Activations to support the process
  • Here are some of the themes we will be touching on together:
    • Week 1-4:
      • Getting clear on your gifts
      • Identifying your ideal client
      • Putting your offerings together
    • Week 5-8:
      • Generating a clear message
      • Aligning to your business’ consciousness
      • Connecting to your audience
    • Week 9-12:
      • Sharing your gifts
      • Interacting with your potential clients
      • Selling your offerings
  • 2 individual sessions for the price of $333 ($111 off regular pricing) for participants only.
    • These individual sessions will support you for a more rapid integration and healing to propel your spiritual business forward. The link to buy these sessions will be shared to all participants a week before starting our Mentorship together.

If you are part of Starseed Gathering membership, use the coupon code of 20% available in our portal – price for the members: $266.40 per month.

The number of participants is limited, save your spot now!

I look forward to seeing your shine in the divine business you always knew was your path!

See you very soon 🙂

Annabelle Ivaya, Deep Soul Healer, Author & Spiritual Mentor

  • Hi Annabelle just wondering when the weekly sessions would be ie evening weekend and time? Have you set them yet? Also how many people would be in the group? Total price would be $999 plus the private sessions $333?
    I’m quite interested as I’m looking for my match to help me get clarity on what who and how I should offer my modalities. I’m so struggling! Xx Cirrus

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    LIGHT LANGUAGE HEALING EVENT - 2nd of Aug. 2024 - Reserve your spot today! Learn more here