Younik Soul Membership

I am very excited to offer this sacred space for spiritual growth, belonging and to create the New Earth together as we move into these powerful months ahead.

Younik Soul Membership

Annabelle Leclerc, Intuitive, Psychic & Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Starseed ✨🦋✨

A little bit about me:

I have gone through a lot in my life. Family relationships issues, trauma, toxic relationships, low self-esteem, people pleasing, etc! After an awakening process where I chose to welcome the right people into my life, the right field of work, learned how to embody love, compassion and acceptance towards myself, my life changed radically!

As an Intuitive, Psychic & Healer, and Spiritual Teacher, I take time to see what your goals are, what is blocking you, what you want to shift in your life to get where you want to be.

The Ascension Leap

The 6-month journey is an intensive Lightbody Activation for those who want to dive deeper in the spiritual teachings with me and other like-minded souls. 

Who is this for?

  • For anyone who has done innerwork before and feels ready to step into their spiritual mission fully.
  • For all the souls that feel there are things holding them back from achieving their goals, whether in their relationships, their business, their inner life or outter life.
  • For all the souls that need to find a tribe of like-minded souls that are supportive and with who they can truly be themselves, their authentic self.
  • For anyone who is ready to take a quantum leap into their spiritual journey & bring through their higher gifts and talents. 

Your lightbody is your spiritual vessel, the vessel that allows you to embody the highest frequency of light there is. To activate it, we need to clear so many layers, so many limiting thoughts, stuck emotions, past life wounds that are blocking us to move forward and fully step into our soul’s mission.

In this 6-month journey, you will attend more in-depth teachings with your soul tribe. Each month, we will expand your connection to Source. 

You will receive codes and activation supporting you in your ascension process. It will create a ripple effect in your life, you will be able to do the innerwork to embody more light, we will clear past lives wounds, you will reconnect to your gifts and talents, you will have access to special group healing and ceremonies, soul realignment, deepening your gifts and expanding your consciousness so that you can embody your true essence and use your higher gifts for supporting others.

You will get access to:

  • 1 monthly 1:1 spiritual coaching call where I guide you personally with what you want to develop in your spiritual path. These 1 hour sessions are tailored to your personal needs.
  • 1 deep healing session every 2 weeks with your soul tribe.
  • Special high frequency meditations to support you along your journey, channeled through for each month of the journey 
  • Bonus and extra material available on the portal such as dedicated and specific workshops and workbooks to assist your spiritual journey 

The transformations I am offering you: 

  • Create your life from your higherself 
  • Attract you soul family as you are embodying your true authentic self
  • Reach higher states of consciousness
  • Embody your unique gifts 
  • Anchor your divinity and become your own master 

Group starting soon

The Ascension Leap

The 6-month journey is an intensive Lightbody Activation for those who want to dive deeper in the spiritual teachings with me and other like-minded souls.

Who is this for?

  • For anyone who has done innerwork before and feels ready to step into their spiritual mission fully.

  • For all the souls that feel there are things holding them back from achieving their goals, whether in their relationships, their business, their inner life or outter life.

  • For all the souls that need to find a tribe of like-minded souls that are supportive and with who they can truly be themselves, their authentic self.

  • For anyone who is ready to take a quantum leap into their spiritual journey & bring through their higher gifts and talents.

Your lightbody is your spiritual vessel, the vessel that allows you to embody the highest frequency of light there is. To activate it, we need to clear so many layers, so many limiting thoughts, stuck emotions, past life wounds that are blocking us to move forward and fully step into our soul’s mission.

In this 6-month journey, you will attend more in-depth teachings with your soul tribe. Each month, we will expand your connection to Source.

You will receive codes and activation supporting you in your ascension process. It will create a ripple effect in your life, you will be able to do the innerwork to embody more light, we will clear past lives wounds, you will reconnect to your gifts and talents, you will have access to special group healing and ceremonies, soul realignment, deepening your gifts and expanding your consciousness so that you can embody your true essence and use your higher gifts for supporting others.

You will get access to:

  • 1 monthly 1:1 spiritual coaching call where I guide you personally with what you want to develop in your spiritual path. These 1 hour sessions are tailored to your personal needs.

  • 1 deep healing session every 2 weeks with your soul tribe.

  • Special high frequency meditations to support you along your journey, channeled through for each month of the journey

  • Bonus and extra material available on the portal such as dedicated and specific workshops and workbooks to assist your spiritual journey

The transformations I am offering you:

  • Create your life from your higherself

  • Attract you soul family as you are embodying your true authentic self

  • Reach higher states of consciousness

  • Embody your unique gifts

  • Anchor your divinity and become your own master

Start date: June 15th 2022

The Ascension Leap
$2022 $352
for 6 months (or 6 payments of $352)/month (for 6 months)
Everything in The MembershipEverything in The Membership
1 monthly 1:1 spiritual coaching call where I guide you personally with what you want to develop in your spiritual path. These 1 hour sessions are tailored to your personal needs.1 monthly 1:1 spiritual coaching call where I guide you personally with what you want to develop in your spiritual path. These 1 hour sessions are tailored to your personal needs.
1 deep healing session every 2 weeks with your soul tribe.1 deep healing session every 2 weeks with your soul tribe.
Special high frequency meditations to support you along your journey, channeled through for each month of the journey Special high frequency meditations to support you along your journey, channeled through for each month of the journey