Divine Alignment – Silver

Divine Alignment – SILVER

5 spots available

Welcome to this beta 3 month program starting on October 17th (time to be confirmed with participants).

I am very excited to share my gifts to help you surrender and allow the universe to expand your consciousness, your light and your business!

Note that pricing and length will increase in the future. Take advantage of this opportunity now!

Divine Alignment is a sacred space where you overcome your fears, activate your gifts, develop and enhance your spiritual business of any kind (healing, coaching, yoga, spiritual retreats, arts, etc.). This program is for those who are wanting to merge more of their spiritual gifts into their business to make it thrive and expand beyond their wildest dream.

When we start channeling our higher self and guides, our whole life shifts. Then, our mind/ego tries to undermine the messages we receive so taht we stay immobile, like frozen in fear of judgment or of making the wrong decisions if we follow our inner guidance.

The goal of this program is to continue growing your channeling, healing and inner guidance abilities. By coming together twice a month, releasing blocks from past/parallel lives, ancestral contracts, soul contracts, energetic and spiritual blocks of all kinds, you will feel more confident in sharing your gifts in your actual business or starting your spiritual business, this includes any stage of your business (start, growth, expansion, redirection, etc.).

This mentorship program will give you the key elements to build and enhance your abundance in your life and business, aligning you to who you truly are matching your personal and spiritual lives as well as your business for more coherence and divine alignment.

I am here to support your growth, to activate your gifts & self-confidence and allow more magic into your life and spiritual business.

Who is this program for?

  • Souls that have contemplated starting a spiritual business or face blocks in bringing together all their gifts into their work/mission.
  • Souls that would like to expand their business embodying more of their divine creativity.
  • Souls that are still wondering what their true soul’s mission is and want more clarity to move into alignment.
  • Souls that are at a point of reviewing their business wanting to include more of their spiritual gifts.

Transformations you can expect:

  • Removal of fears and limitations around your gifts and your divine business
  • Activation of your unique spiritual gifts
  • Integration of your levelling-up and expansion into your business so that you become the powerful healer/channeler/lightworker that you truly are
  • Identification and attraction of your soul aligned clients
  • Activation of your divine abundance of love, money and harmony in your life and business
  • Learning of new tools to clear energy blocks, past lives and anchor more of your higher self’s qualities

At the end of this program, you will trust yourself more, your will own your gifts and know how to share them powerfully with others, you will serve your soul aligned clients with excitment feeling fulfilled.

What is included in this SILVER level?

=>6 groups healing/coaching sessions, 3 individual sessions, 3 channeled message calls:

  • 2 group healing/coaching sessions per month where we dive into spiritual clearings, healings of wounds and limitations, childhood trauma release, business growth & alignment, as well as concrete support for your own development (recorded sessions available for life).
  • 1 individual session per month where we look into your Akashic Records, your ancestral lineage, your past/parallel lives, your inner child, business, soul contracts & agreements, the energies within and around you, as well as anything else our guides and your higher self show is a priority to heal so that you have a thriving business.
  • 1 channeled message call per month to receive coaching between the sessions.
  • Pricing: $555/month for 3 months

Choosing the SILVER access allows you to have a safe space to release & realign your life and business to the level you wish them to be.

For more suppport, check out the Gold access, click here: https://youniksoul.com/register/divine-alignment-gold/

*If you want to amplify your gifts, I suggest you also do my 5-week Channeling course. A group starts every 2 months, next one starts in November 2023, click here for more info: https://calendly.com/annabelle_ivaya/channeling-course-november.

Email me for more info: youniksoul@gmail.com.

NOTE: If you are a STARSEED GATHERING member, you have 20% off this program using the discount code. 🙂

This program is very dear to my heart and I am so excited to spend all this time with you. I can’t wait to witness the shifts in your life & business!

See you all on October 17th. 🙂

Get Started

For more information, please complete the form below.