I am very happy to support you in your ascension process. Together, we raise our frequency, we create magic and we support the whole planet during these very important times.

What are Starseeds?

Starseeds are souls that had difficulty fitting in for most their life. They usually have chosen a family that was very fragmented, where lots of trauma had happened for years before they were born. They have then also experienced a lot of negative,, traumatic experiences. SOme of these experiences were to keep us unhooked from the 3D matrix (false illusiory reality where we have no power, nothing can change and we are supposed to do what everyone else does) and to help healing our ancestral trauma. The current incarnation of starseeds is the most important one as we are here to support others in their ascension process. But to do this in the most aligned way, we must heal our heart, our wounds, our trauma and realign with the greatness of our angelic self.

Starseed Gathering offers you a safe environement to be truly you, to ask the questions you don’t know where to ask and feel completely held in love. I developed this space in 2022 because I felt alone so much during my whole life, as I always knew there was more to this life and that I wasn’t from Earth originally. You don’t need to know what star system you are fomr to be part of this community, just knowing that you are more than what you were told you were is enough!

So if you want to be part of this community of starseeds, join us to receive high frequency healing and guidance twice a month, plus having access to all past material that you can revisit anytime you like to deepen your connection to your guides, develop your gifts, remember your power and shift your reality.

Who is Starseed Gathering for?

  • For all the souls that are in need to connecting with like-minded people as this path can feel very lonely by time
  • For anyone who wants to know more about the energies, spirituality and the Ascension process
  • For all the souls that want to feel shifts within them, to then see how their reality shifts without as well
  • For all souls who want to learn how to ground more deeply into Earth, bringing forth your divine inheritance, your abundance codes, your gifts and talents, to then share them with the world
  • For all the souls that are hypersensitive, empaths, want to learn how to protect their energy, how to expand their consciousness, and how to be truly authentically themselves

Annabelle Ivaya, Deep Soul Healer, Channeler, Spiritual Teacher & Author 

There is a light within you that only needs your attention to be reborn. Yes, trauma and hardship are true human experiences, but have you ever wondered what else there was on this planet for you? Have you ever wondered what you mission was and what was the whole point of life on Earth?

I have these questions since a very early age and could not really find the answers I was looking for. I was feeling different, I wasn’t able to fit in like others would. I tried, yes for a long time, to fit in the box of society, but it wasn’t for me.

If you are wondering about your presence on this planet, if you want to heal your heart and welcome the energies of love for your highest good, join us!

My mission is to assist all souls ready to jump into the unknown as this is where you will find your own answers, outside of the busy world we live in, inside this beautiful heart fo yours.

How this membership supports you?

My guides are very high frequency, they use me as a channel of light. This healing light supports you in releasing what holds you back, in reconnecting to your true essence, in making sense of what happens within you as you Remember Who You Are.

As we connect twice a month, I offer guidance, wisdom, techniques to support your ascension process. I am present to any questions and share my gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience with you, so that you receive the highest frequencies of love to heal your heart, your past lives and your soul.

Starseed Gathering is a safe environment to connect with likeminded souls, receive high frequencies through meditations and healing journeys. As we come together, we raise our vibration and create this New Earth we’ve been waiting for!

Join us! This space is the place where you belong, the place you’ve been looking for.

I am very happy to support you in your ascension process. Together, we raise our frequency, we create magic and we support the whole planet during these very important times.

What are Starseeds?

Starseeds are souls that had difficulty fitting in for most their life. They usually have chosen a family that was very fragmented, where lots of trauma had happened for years before they were born. They have then also experienced a lot of negative,, traumatic experiences. SOme of these experiences were to keep us unhooked from the 3D matrix (false illusiory reality where we have no power, nothing can change and we are supposed to do what everyone else does) and to help healing our ancestral trauma. The current incarnation of starseeds is the most important one as we are here to support others in their ascension process. But to do this in the most aligned way, we must heal our heart, our wounds, our trauma and realign with the greatness of our angelic self.

Starseed Gathering offers you a safe environement to be truly you, to ask the questions you don’t know where to ask and feel completely held in love. I developed this space in 2022 because I felt alone so much during my whole life, as I always knew there was more to this life and that I wasn’t from Earth originally. You don’t need to know what star system you are fomr to be part of this community, just knowing that you are more than what you were told you were is enough!

So if you want to be part of this community of starseeds, join us to receive high frequency healing and guidance twice a month, plus having access to all past material that you can revisit anytime you like to deepen your connection to your guides, develop your gifts, remember your power and shift your reality.

Who is Starseed Gathering for?

  • For all the souls that are in need to connecting with like-minded people as this path can feel very lonely by time
  • For anyone who wants to know more about the energies, spirituality and the Ascension process
  • For all the souls that want to feel shifts within them, to then see how their reality shifts without as well
  • For all souls who want to learn how to ground more deeply into Earth, bringing forth your divine inheritance, your abundance codes, your gifts and talents, to then share them with the world
  • For all the souls that are hypersensitive, empaths, want to learn how to protect their energy, how to expand their consciousness, and how to be truly authentically themselves

Annabelle Ivaya, Deep Soul Healer, Channeler, Spiritual Teacher & Author 

There is a light within you that only needs your attention to be reborn. Yes, trauma and hardship are true human experiences, but have you ever wondered what else there was on this planet for you? Have you ever wondered what you mission was and what was the whole point of life on Earth?

I have these questions since a very early age and could not really find the answers I was looking for. I was feeling different, I wasn’t able to fit in like others would. I tried, yes for a long time, to fit in the box of society, but it wasn’t for me.

If you are wondering about your presence on this planet, if you want to heal your heart and welcome the energies of love for your highest good, join us!

My mission is to assist all souls ready to jump into the unknown as this is where you will find your own answers, outside of the busy world we live in, inside this beautiful heart fo yours.

How this membership supports you?

My guides are very high frequency, they use me as a channel of light. This healing light supports you in releasing what holds you back, in reconnecting to your true essence, in making sense of what happens within you as you Remember Who You Are.

As we connect twice a month, I offer guidance, wisdom, techniques to support your ascension process. I am present to any questions and share my gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience with you, so that you receive the highest frequencies of love to heal your heart, your past lives and your soul.

Starseed Gathering is a safe environment to connect with likeminded souls, receive high frequencies through meditations and healing journeys. As we come together, we raise our vibration and create this New Earth we’ve been waiting for!

Join us! This space is the place where you belong, the place you’ve been looking for.

Starseed Gathering

My mission is to assist you deeply in your ascension process, to share with you tools that you can easily use for helping yourself in mastering your own energetic field, protecting your energy, understanding how to own your light within, and how together we can create New Earth from within.

What is included?

  • Access to high frequency meditations and light language activations
  • Live healing journey twice a month to support your spiritual growth and support you to anchor your light, supporting you with the latest energy updates, the current initiations, sharing guidance from our guides and angels, light language and high frequency healing.
    • The Healing Journeys already available in the portal:
      • New Self, Loving Arms, Divine Feminine Activation, Fairy Magic, Be There For You, Golden Heart, Earthing Within, New Breathe, Infinite Waters, Ignite your Fire, Co-Creating with the Universe, Higher Heart Activation, Galactic Healing,  Divine Self Integration, Perfect As You Are, Expand Your Consciousness, Lemurian Gifts, Empower Yourself, Light Language Healing, Heal your Roots, Shine your Light, Become 1 with the Universe, Ancestral Healing, Beyond the Dimensions, Return To Source, Loving Yourself, Abundance Codes, Lightbody Activation, Heart Activation, New Earth Light Codes, Higherself Healing & Integration, Crystal Healing & Akashic Clearing, Ancient Egyptian Inheritance, Path To Love, Find Your Inner Voice, Solstice Magic Rising Sun, Grand Canyon, Believe In Yourself, Whale Healing, Connecting To One Of Your Guides, Divine Protection, Deep Energy Clearing, Rebirth & New Earth
  • A community of like-minded souls to share what you are going through if you wish to, to discuss any spiritual topic as we are all united and supporting each other, and to connect with your true soul family
  • Special pricing for 1:1 sessions with me as well as 20% off all programs I do outside of the membership
  • Bonus and extra material available on the portal such as workshops and courses to assist your spiritual journey

The transformations I am offering you: 

  • Reconnect to your heart, your soul essence
  • Find your voice & set clear boundaries
  • Bring a state of balance into your life
  • Discover your uniqueness
  • Follow your intuition  & inner guidance
  • Connect more deeply with your guides

Starseed Gathering

My mission is to assist you deeply in your ascension process, to share with you tools that you can easily use for helping yourself in mastering your own energetic field, protecting your energy, understanding how to own your light within, and how together we can create New Earth from within.

What is included?

  • Access to high frequency meditations and light language activations
  • Live healing journey twice a month to support your spiritual growth and support you to anchor your light, supporting you with the latest energy updates, the current initiations, sharing guidance from our guides and angels, light language and high frequency healing.
    • The Healing Journeys already available in the portal:
      • New Self, Loving Arms, Divine Feminine Activation, Fairy Magic, Be There For You, Golden Heart, Earthing Within, New Breathe, Infinite Waters, Ignite your Fire, Co-Creating with the Universe, Higher Heart Activation, Galactic Healing,  Divine Self Integration, Perfect As You Are, Expand Your Consciousness, Lemurian Gifts, Empower Yourself, Light Language Healing, Heal your Roots, Shine your Light, Become 1 with the Universe, Ancestral Healing, Beyond the Dimensions, Return To Source, Loving Yourself, Abundance Codes, Lightbody Activation, Heart Activation, New Earth Light Codes, Higherself Healing & Integration, Crystal Healing & Akashic Clearing, Ancient Egyptian Inheritance, Path To Love, Find Your Inner Voice, Solstice Magic Rising Sun, Grand Canyon, Believe In Yourself, Whale Healing, Connecting To One Of Your Guides, Divine Protection, Deep Energy Clearing, Rebirth & New Earth
  • A community of like-minded souls to share what you are going through if you wish to, to discuss any spiritual topic as we are all united and supporting each other, and to connect with your true soul family
  • Special pricing for 1:1 sessions with me as well as 20% off all programs I do outside of the membership
  • Bonus and extra material available on the portal such as workshops and courses to assist your spiritual journey

The transformations I am offering you: 

  • Reconnect to your heart, your soul essence
  • Find your voice & set clear boundaries
  • Bring a state of balance into your life
  • Discover your uniqueness
  • Follow your intuition  & inner guidance
  • Connect more deeply with your guides
Starseed Gathering Membership
Canadian dollars77 Canadian dollars77
Access to high frequency meditations and guided journeys to support your spiritual growth and to anchor your light Access to high frequency meditations and guided journeys to support your spiritual growth and to anchor your light
Access to two live events per month to clear, heal and alchemise your energies so that you feel stronger in your sense of self and your missionAccess to two live events per month to clear, heal and alchemise your energies so that you feel stronger in your sense of self and your mission
These live events will include group work on these topics: energy management, retrieving your soul gifts, raising your vibration & access higher realms, healing any misalignment in your energy field, clearing anything that is blocking you in your ascension process from your book of life, etc.These live events will include group work on these topics: energy management, retrieving your soul gifts, raising your vibration & access higher realms, healing any misalignment in your energy field, clearing anything that is blocking you in your ascension process from your book of life, etc.
A community of like-minded souls to share your ups and downs, to discuss any spiritual topic and to connect with your true soul familyA community of like-minded souls to share your ups and downs, to discuss any spiritual topic and to connect with your true soul family