Activate your Light Language

💫Activate Your Light Language 💫

Let your connection to spirit elevate your healing abilities!

As some of you asked to have some support to develop your light language

✨Light language is the language of the soul and it is a wonderful gifts to ourselves to heal and share these frequencies with the world.

♥️Light language has helped me tremendously clear numerous blocks within my energy bodies, past lives and also trauma stuck in my body, mind and soul.

✨It is a multidimensional healing tool that is coming back to Earth to assist humanity in healing and ascending. It is a gift from our galactic self supporting us in transcending the density f this Earth plane and move beyond the known into the unknown with one of the biggest support there is.

No two light language is exactly the same, you have your own and it is waiting for you to step into alignment energetically to bring these frequencies forth. Some people write codes on paper, move their hands, speak or sing their own divine light language.

🌈Join us to discover yours!

You will get 3 sessions where you will be held in love in a sacred container of divine connections, where we will gently:

🌟 Clear the blocks

🌟 Activate your gifts

🌟 Practice your own way of channeling light language

This 3 week program will support you by:

🌠Enhancing your connection to your guides and allow new frequencies to be channeled through you

🌠 Helping your discovering your unique abilities and your unique light language blueprint

🌠 Activating your light language so you can use it on yourself, with your loved ones, pets and clients – including more magic into your sessions


✨3 sessions live sessions (total of 4.5 hours of content) – channeled messages, divine guidance, clearing & healing, activations

✨ 3 light language activations

DATES our gatherings:

*Jan 12th 3pm CST – 9pm UK time – 13th at 7am Australia time

*Jan 19th 3pm CST – 9pm UK time – 20th at 7am Australia time

*Jan 26th 3pm CST – 9pm UK time – 27th at 7am Australia time

Join us and bring all the magic into your life!l starting 2024 with powerful activations, realizations and self-discoveries.

Note: No need to have developed some kind of light language to be part of the program.

PRICE: $222 for the whole program

Join us and bring the magic into your life!


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    LIGHT LANGUAGE HEALING EVENT - 2nd of Aug. 2024 - Reserve your spot today! Learn more here