Fear vs Love

Fears are a reflection of an imbalance within & around us.

Fears are triggered by core unhealed wounds that we think we must avoid.

Fears are scenarios & narratives that keep us locked into a reality we do not like.

Fears are reasons our mind tells us so we do not change in case something worst happens.

We fear rejection, abandonment, judgment, betrayal, injustice, humiliation.

But staying a space of contentment in our life although we feel a void inside: is this really keeping us safe from suffering or is it keeping us in a state of permanent suffering?

In reality, no amount of thinking can keep you safe. No amount of analyzing can give you access to YOUR truth.

Calming your mind, accessing your heart frequency and listening in are key to live a heart-led life.

As within so without: Our life reflects the parts of us that still need healing.

If money is tight: Where and when can we love ourselves more?

If relationships are complicated: Where and when can we give ourselves the compassion we expect from others?

If work isn’t satisfying: How may we tune more into our heart to listen to our inner guidance?

If we feel lost: What are the things, people and situations that are keeping us locked into a state of unworthiness?

When we feel unworthy: we lack boundaries, we do not trust our intuition, we don’t think we can have a better life, better relationships, more opportunities or money. We keep playing small, we are hard on ourselves and we force our way through life.

How many times do we ask others to give us safety, unconditional love, compassion, freedom, joy & ease?

How many times could we actually give these things to ourselves?

Love is knowing your worth, always.

Love is setting boundaries so you feel safe, heard, loved & seen, always.

Love is quitting a job you don’t like because you deserve better.

Love is saying no when you mean no.

Love is keeping close only those that make you shine brighter, always.

Love is spending time with yourself to contemplate on the life you want to live.

Love is realizing that all that you went through until now is not who you are, but lessons you came here to learn from.

Love is accepting your dark side as much as your light, as they are parts of your wholeness.

Love is being present with your feelings & emotions, letting them being expressed & then taking the time to listen to the messages they were carrying.

Love is allowing yourself to make mistakes without judging, asking perfection or being hard on yourself.

Love is trusting you are supported, guided and loved, always.

Love is trusting that when you choose you, you choose YOUR truth.

Love is knowing you are enough & perfect in your imperfections right now.

Love is choosing peace vs fight, laughter vs stress, joy vs overthinking, ease vs complexity.

If any of this resonates, you are ready to choose your highest timeline.

You are ready to let go of anything and everything that aren’t serving your highest good.

Allow the light in, let your body, emotions and feelings tell you what needs to shift.

Listen to all of the parts of you that hold YOUR truth.

Stop thinking about all of it, the ins and outs, the possible outcomes…

Allow your heart to lead the way.

Your heart knows no fear.

You heart is pure.

Your heart is your inner guidance system.

How can you listen more to your heart?

Need support of any kind, reach out, I am here for you


Lots of love & light 💗💫

Annabelle Leclerc, Akashic Guide, Healer & Channeler

Dec. 6th 2022

#strongertogether #healingenergy #akashichealing #spiritualcoach #loveyourself #guide #youmatter #lightworker #starseedawakening #chakraalignment #youdeserveit #starseed #lightlanguage #innerchildhealing #energyhealing #alignment #spiritualmentor

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