You are perfect as you are now

No need to shapeshifter into what you feel others want you to be.

Connect to your heart daily & the answers will come.

Your time of hardship & misery are done.

Nothing if your past can hold you back anymore.

Your commitment to your mission is the greatest gift you could receive as it is first a commitment to yourself.

All the support you offer to others needs to come through you first.

As within, so without. As above, so below.

You know these concepts and so many others.

But now, you embody them more and more.

It isn’t just a mental concept, it becomes a lived experience.

Yes, all of these learnings bring challenges.

And raising your frequency enough for others means you need to shed the old, release the blocks, align with the truth where is held the new frequency of your teachings.

All goes so deep, through all of the layers of your multidimensional being.

Do not forget that you also clear through time & space in all dimensions where your soul exists.

This task can then become heavy by time as you release for so much more & so many more than your human mind comprehends.

So be gentle with yourself.

Do not over-push yourself into the doing if what you need is rest.

Be in tune with your body.

If your body asks for more sleep, more nature, more water, more food, more peace, more of not doing anything: gift these to yourself.

Giving to yourself will help you manifest more.

Giving to yourself will help you loving yourself more.

Enjoy the Earth’s ride!

Follow me here:

With much love & gratitude,

Annabelle L., Akashic Guide, Healer & Lightbody Activator

September 29th 2022

#strongertogether #healingenergy #akashichealing #spiritualcoach #loveyourself #guide #youmatter #lightworker #starseedawakening #chakraalignment #youdeserveit #starseed #lightlanguage #innerchildhealing #energyhealing #alignment #spiritualmentor


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