When I said YES to myself

A year ago, I didn’t know who I truly was yet. Yes, I had started to connect with my spiritual life, my gifts & passions. But I was still not choosing myself.

I was in a relationship in which I suffered. I felt confused, disconnected, lost. Living in a new country, with no friends around nor a 3D job to support me. I was stressed & at some point I felt like everything was going wrong. I wanted everything to work so bad that I was very hard on myself, trying to be perfect & fix myself to be loved.

I had just started living off of my new business & it wasn’t easy. I wasn’t sure how to build my business, how to get people to know me, what services I truly wanted to offer to the world.

Since then, I took my spiritual journey to the next level. I allowed myself to bloom in who I truly am, with the help of sisters & brothers of light, people that saw me for who I was without asking anything in return.

I accepted my gifts & reconnected to new ones, I cleared so many past lives, programming & pain within me. And I decided to leave all that wasn’t supporting me in my journey. I chose my highest timeline, I decided that I was the most important person in my life, again.

After being connected to people, friends & partners where I felt undervalued, where I felt others were sourcing from my light, I said NO. I said NO to these masks and identities that made me feel like I needed to change & be perfect to be loved. I said NO to these repeating patterns that made me feel disempowered and alone. And I said YES to myself, once again.

It wasn’t the first time I had to choose myself, as life will bring the perfect circumstances for us to value ourselves truly. Loving all sides of ourselves, even the darker ones.

Of course, by doing so, you get to see the choices you made, the challenges you faced, the times you haven’t spoken up, the lack of trust in your own abilities & intuition. All becomes very clear & it takes time to accept, forgive & love these parts of ourselves.

A year later, I am in Mexico, I have wonderful people I meet through my mission, I am happy of being me, of using my spiritual gifts & expanding my open heart. And by this process of choosing me, over & over again, I feel freer every day. Freer of the programming around codependency, victim/victimizer, lack, disconnection from God, illusions & the matrix.

I feel closer to myself, to others, to nature, to who I am in my heart and soul. I feel closer to my highest timeline as now, I face the darkness within me with love & compassion whenever it shows up. These parts of me don’t scare me anymore.

I know that once I let the energies, emotions and thoughts move through me, I find the way back to myself. Each time I do so, I cry, releasing what doesn’t serve me anymore. Each time I do so, I come closer to the highest version of myself, my own divinity, the purity I hold within.

Sure, it isn’t an easy path to connect with the darkest parts of ourselves, but it is so worth it!

It is only when the walls around our heart disappear that we discover the beauty of life on Earth. And as a gift, our soul tribe and soul family can connect to us. The people with the same blueprint, the same frequency that allow us to be authentically & unapologetically who we are at our core.

Once you find who you are behind these masks & identities, you realize how beautiful of a soul you are, you realize how much you’ve grown & learned through all of these experiences. And you remember that you are a powerful being of light & have all the power you need to live the life you want.

Now, after years of healing & learning, I know how valuable I am & will not let anyone tell me otherwise. It took me almost 40 years to realize my value, to connect to my heart and to decide that I was going to make myself happy first. With this intention came the power of shifting how I approach things, how I deal with emotions, thought patterns and situations, feeling more empowered every day.

And I finally got it, now the way I feel in my life precedes anyone else’s needs. I look after myself first, then I have the energy & alignment to help others. It took me so many years to get there!!

Once you choose YOU, you choose the path back to yourself, back to God, the energy of Creation that we are all connected to.

Thank you to all the brothers & sisters of light that have been there for me.

Thank you dear tribe. I am so grateful for all of you.

I love you so much & am so happy to see you all grow & expand your heart.

You are all amazing in your uniqueness and I am so very grateful to be here to support you.

If anything I wrote vibrates inside of you, if you need help, please reach out, message me or visit my Linktree: https://linktr.ee/youniksoul

With all my heart,

Annabelle L. Healer and Lightbody Activator

Nov. 7 2022

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