Releasing The Old Prayer

Today, I release all fears related to lack consciousness and scarcity. I allow God, my higher self & my divine guardians to remove the implants that are making me suffer at this time. I ask to remove all programs placed inside of me and around me by myself, society or any of my ancestors that don’t support my divine expansion. I ask to cancel, null & void all contracts, agreements, promises, vows & bindings, where I asked to stay, poor, and never be rich. I release all feelings and emotions attached to not feeling loved, accepted, understood, heard, and welcomed. I release all negative alien energy that keep me locked into the 3D matrix. I do not allow any lower frequency to attach themselves to me and make me believe I’m not good enough. I do not allow this old part of myself to be a reborn. I release all energetic ties with any beings that do not support my highest good, my abundance and divine rights of love, ease, grace, peace, harmony, and abundance. I release any contracts with souls that are trying to bring me away from my mission, my alignment, my peace, and any other aspects of my divinity. I do not allow any interference energy to make myself doubt my powers, my right to be gifted all that I need and more, and to make me leak my divine light.

I now ask to receive all of my divine inheritance back into my heart, into my soul, and reconnect with the truth of my being. I ask to retrieve all parts of my soul once purified. I ask that all the energy that others took away from me is now giving back to me & I give back all energy that isn’t mine to hold. Any powers or gifts that had been taken away from me or given away, consciously or unconsciously, are now being brought back to me into my heart and my soul. I now receive all of the love of God/Source back into my heart. I welcome this love with open arms & an open heart. I know my worth, I know how magnificent my soul is and remember that everything is going to be perfectly orchestrated by my divine guardians & my higher self.

Thank you God/Source for always supporting me, always guiding me and always providing for me with an infinite amount of possibilities, synchronicities, miracles, blessings and divine surprises.

Thank you 🙏 thank you 🙏 thank you 🙏

I am forever grateful 💜🫶💜

Written by Annabelle Ivaya Leclerc April 4th 2023

Much love and healing ✨💝✨

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