Be The One You Always Wanted to Be
Welcome to “Be The One You Always Wanted To Be“
This page will include 3 healing journeys and 8 light language activations.
I recommend to listen to the light language activation each week to support you in transcending the energy and preparing you for the healing session with me and healing journeys.
A description of each if the healing journeys can be found below each of the titles.
You will find first a video for an introduction to each healing journey. Once you have watched it, you can click on the audio link to listen to the healing journey.
It is recommended to wait 7 days between each healing journey as you will need time to integrate the clearing, healing and activations.
You can revisit any of the light language activations & healing journeys as you feel guided, always asking your heart if it is time for you to redo the sessions once this program is completed.
After the healing journey: I suggest you to drink lots of water and ground with nature if possible. Walking outside, moving your body and resting or eating raw food can all support you. Listen to what your body asks for. 🙂
Enjoy and please share your feedback sending me an email at when you have finished the program.
1. Light Language Activation – Manifestation Powers
This meditation activation helps you removing the energetic blocks within and around you, so that you can manifest the life you truly want from your heart. It creates space inside and outside of you to welcome the keys and codes of Creation.
Healing journey #1: Deep Soul Healing
For this first session, you are invited to set your intentions for these 8 weeks. Please take some time to journal or state what you want to release, invite, clear, alchemise, create in your life through these sessions. Once this is done, you can start the video recording, and then the audio healing journey.
This healing journey brings you to a very high frequency so that you clear anything that is in the way of you Being the One you Always Wanted to Be. We have Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Merlin and the Angels supporting the clearing, healing and reprogramming of all your energy fields. We go into our Akashic records to remove any experience, emotion, thought and beliefs that were not aligned with our highest timeline and pathway. We receive a wonderful channeled message from the angels, their love and purification as well as from these higher beings of light as well as our higher self.
What to expect:
- Light language activation
- Soul extension healing
- Complete clearing of our 4-body system and a recalibration on all levels
- Receive gifts, messages, energy attunement & purification of your energy fields
2. Light Language Activation – Believe In the Divine Within
This meditation activation removes energetic blocks so that you can allow the divine to come closer and merge with you. It creates space within and around you to welcome the higher aspects of yourself to integrate and become one wiht you.
3. Light Language Activation – Clear 3D Frequency
This meditation activation clears any energetic block, plugins, implants, lower frequencies thoughts, pattenrns and vibrations that aren’t vibrating at the level of Source within your energetic fields. It creates space within and around you to welcome the keys and codes of Oneness and Safety.
4. Light Language Activation – Regain your Power
This meditation activation helps you remove any doubt frequency in your energetic fields. You will access higher frequencies and higher gifts & talents will be given back to your through a soul fragment retrieval. You will reconnect to the power parts of you, the inner knowing of all is in divine order and that you are fully protected, guided and deeply loved.
Healing journey #2: Rebuild Your Crystal Heart
For this second session, you are invited to step into our inner world, releasing all blocks held in your inner child & adult life: limiting thoughts, judgments, negative experiences that made you feel like you were small, wouldn’t achieve much in life, were not going to attain the life we wanted. Clearing vows, agreemets, soul contracts that aren’t serving you. The angels of love hold you with love and compassion, as the light of God Source showers you. Then, you are invited to release any other blocks from stepping into the self you are in your heart though a beautiful rainbow shower of light clearing any blocks in your 4-body system. You will also enter a crystal healing temple, to support the healing of soul extensions and rebuilt our crystal heart.
What to expect:
- Light language activation
- Soul extension healing
- Akshic clearing and healing
- Complete clearing of our 4-body system and a recalibration on all levels
- Receive gifts, messages, energy attunement & purification of your energy fields
5. Light Language Activation – Set yourself free
This meditation activation supports the clearing of lower frequency thoughts, patterns, past experience imprints, negatve self-talk coming from yourself or others in your past, ancecstral ties that you can now release to set yourself free. This light language activation can be used any day you feel low, uncertain, misaligned or find it difficult to trust your path.
6. Light Language Activation – Deep heart connection
This meditation activation supports the clearing of lower frequency thoughts, emotions hindering you from recollecting gifts, talents and high frequencies from the deepest chambers of your heart. Any negative energy within or around you is removed, your higher self comes to activate your crystalline energy through your unique frequency. This supports you in healing and rediscovering your hidden gifts.
This light language activation can be used when you might feel disconnected to your heart, unsure of your path forward or locked into a lower frequency or inorganic timeline.
7. Light Language Activation – Higher Self Activation
This meditation activation supports you in bringing forth the frequncy of your higher self, clearing anything that is held in your energetic fields that is hindering this connection and recollection of your highest keys and codes. You will receive your highest self energetically in your fields. You will anchor your gifts and talent so that you can walk your highest timeline. You will welcome your true essence, strengthen your pillar of light, anchor your true soulprint into Earth so that you can bring forth your highest vibration and energy signature.
This light language activation can be used whenever you need a boost of confidence, a deep clearing of your thoughts and emotions, a DNA activatio or a soul realignment.
Healing journey #3: Infinite Power & Gifts Retrieval
For this last session, you are invited to release all blocks, thoughts and emotions attached to experiences where you were scared of our power, fearful of hurting others with our gifts, or any other hurtful memories related to our divine gifts. Then you will release blocked energies from yourself and your ancestral lineage hindering you from bringing forth these higher gifts and talents into your current incarnation. You will merge with our higher self and received high frequency healing and energies, strengthening our connection to your divine self.
What to expect:
- Light language activation
- Soul extension and ancestral healing
- Complete clearing of our 4-body system and a recalibration on all levels
- Retreive special sacred gifts from your divine temple
- High frequency messages, energy attunement & purification of your energy fields
8. Light Language Activation – You are your Highest Self
This meditation activation supports you in bringing forth the frequncy of your higher self, clearing anything that is held in your energetic fields that is hindering this connection and recollection of your highest keys and codes. You will receive your highest self energetically in your fields. You will anchor your gifts and talent so that you can walk your highest timeline. You will welcome your true essence, strengthen your pillar of light, anchor your true soulprint into Earth so that you can bring forth your highest vibration and energy signature.
This light language activation can be used whenever you need a boost of confidence, a deep clearing of your thoughts and emotions, a DNA activatio or a soul realignment.