Going through the motions
As you heal your heart, the sun rays come in.
As the heart lights up, you become lighter.
As the weight of your being lessens, the weight of the planet does the same.
Being a lightworker demands you to let go of the heaviness to become and to stay connected to the Light of God.
As you reach a certain point, there is no turning back.
You embody the light & any heaviness needs to be removed.
Whether this weight is in your heart, your body of your environment, it will be asked of you to let it go as you are here to shine brighter each day.
Once the shadow is acknowledged & released, you feel the shift, the push forward.
And soon, another layer of the shadow will be revealed, another layer ready to be shed.
So many lifetimes, so many ancestors, so many layers.
Be your own sunshine when the days are grey.
Stay in your heart when you feel a pull looping you in your mind.
The Mastery resides in every moment within you.
Every moment of sadness, fear, anger, uncertainty exist to show you the way back to you.
This path where loneliness is an illusion & your past fades away, so that you welcome all the new that awaits you.
The codes of ease, flow, grace, fun, bliss & abundance are all around you.
But they can only come in when you truly feel free to be you.
When you believe in miracles.
When you allow life, your higherself & your guides to bring you exactly where you need to be for your next step.
Allow & surrender
You are so loved 💗
With so much love and light ✨💗
Annabelle L., Akashic Guide, Healer & Lightbody Activator
September 11th 2022
#akashichealing #healing #healingjourney #selfcare #selflovematters #youmatter #presence #believeinyourself #lightworker #youderserveit #selflove #starseed